Examples of Recent Projects and Services;
- Given operational support to several CCGs as part of their QIPP schemes. Identifying savings of over £5M
- Transformational change projects in elective surgery, ophthalmology, scheduling and administration services, clinical pathways and patient flow across emergency and elective case.
- Project mapping of the breast cancer pathway including review of follow-up activity, breast cancer clinics, ensuring that the nursing team is fit for purpose and future proofed, developing the expansion of the familiar breast cancer clinics.
- Health care planning experts for £15.6M Ophthalmology Unit in Lancashire, £39M Community Hospital in Essex, £52M two acute hospital site in the Caribbean and a £39M acute hospital in Poland.
- Successfully completed CQC registration for a new to market health and social care company, a community hospital, an extended GP service, plus a number of mobile theatre and diagnostic services, and private hospitals including developing policies and guidelines for them in relation to care and workforce management
- An annual public health project to increase infection prevention and control practices through training in recognition action and awareness in care homes; schools and with minority communities across London
- Undertaken a complete nursing workforce review of an NHS Foundation Trust
- Mobilisation of an NHS community endoscopy contract with a specialist focus on clinical functions within mobile units
- Mobilisation of an mobile carpal tunnel service with a specialist focus on clinical roles, seamless pathways and innovative models of care
- Complaints and Litigation investigations for an NHS clinical subcontractor
- Project managing a bid team to successfully attain a number AQP’s for NHS contracts with a specialist focus on clinical functions and surgery
- Project managing a bid team to successfully attain several PPQ’s for NHS private patient units across the UK for an Independent Sector provider with specialist focus on Infection prevention in the new build and governance and quality.
- Undertaken a feasibility study for a surgical centre in London including ensuring compliance with build requirements and service redesign in relation to infection prevention and control, HTMs, energy sustainability and statutory compliance.